Post Surgery Treatments

What is it?
To begin, it is important to understand the physiological function of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and tissues that carry a clear fluid called ‘lymph’. The lymph vessels carry the excess fluids collected from all over the body back into the blood circulation. Lymphatic massages are a safe, yet effective approach to helping cleanse and detox the body.
Post-op massage after cosmetic surgery such as BBl
Why is this important?
After any cosmetic surgery clients usually find that they are retaining a lot of liquid. This liquid can cause them discomfort, bloating, and is detrimental to their overall recovery. Manual lymphatic drainage helps activate the client’s blood flow/circulation and lymphatic system after a procedure (they work together). This way, by helping the movement along, those fluids won’t stay stagnant in the body. These massages are also essential in preventing the development of fibrosis; which can be very difficult to treat if left unattended for too long.
When should you start?
We usually recommend starting as soon as possible after any cosmetic surgery, if your doctor allows it.
Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage
- Reduces inflammation
- Pain relief
- Prevents/reduces fibrosis
- Reduces bruising
- Improves circulation
- Removes metabolic waste
- Helps flush out excess water, toxins, and foreign substances from the tissues
- Relaxes sympathetic nervous system (helps with stress)
- Supports and enhances the actions of the immune system

Post-op massages after cosmetic surgeries such as BBL, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, face lift, etc. are performed in attempts to help perfect our client’s results and correct any issues that may arise. As time goes along we develop personalized plans for our patients that may include different forms of treatment. The most important part of these treatments is when and how to use each technique, and what combination to employ. For example, there is a time to use cavitation as part of the treatment, just like there is a time when cavitation should not be used as part of the treatment.
Please note:
The massages we refer to in this section are unlike the treatments you receive fresh out of surgery (Manual Lymphatic Drainages, although they still qualify as post-op massages). These massages tend to be a lot stronger and highly focused on the specific treatment area. Clients who come to us 2-3 months post-op (for example) with fibrosis, qualify for these more intense personalized post-op treatment plans. The amount of treatments for optimal results always varies depending on the person. We like to recommend at least 10 Lymphatic drainages but if not any amount is better than none.
The Bruising after a Liposuction is normal?
Same people bruise worse than others,bruising is completely normal. As long as you get your lymphatic drainage massage daily after surgery you will see significant improvement in the bruising/inflamation.
Cavitation / Radio Frequency is a highly popular, non-invasive procedure that helps sculpt the body and reduce fat. Treatments are also extremely recommended after getting plastic surgery procedures such as: liposuction, tummy tuck, etc. in order to prevent fibrosis. It is the next most important post-op treatment a patient should do after their lymphatic drainage massages.
Benefits of Cavitation / Radio Frequency
- Prevents/reduces fibrosis
- Helps remove stubborn fat in areas like: waist, arms, abdomen, back, chin, thighs, legs and buttocks
- Reduces cellulite
- Helps with skin tightening/toning

We usually pair ultrasound treatments with our post-op manual lymphatic drainage massages. The reason being that ultrasound has many benefits that aid in the recovery process after an aesthetic surgery. Treatments should commence the day after getting any plastic surgery. However, ultrasound treatments are also frequently used in therapeutic treatments to alleviate pain.
Benefits of Ultrasound:
- Helps reduce pain
- Reduces inflammation
- Relaxes muscles
- Helps the lymph flow increase
- Accelerates healing and recovery
- Helps reduce bruising